Researchers released promising results for a PrEP implant to prevent HIV today. The Guardian interviewed me for a story on this new development; the story also highlighted my research with Leticia Bode and Jessica Ng on British public opinion towards PrEP (which appeared in The Guardian as a commentary in September 2018).
My latest published work now appears in the latest issue of Journal of Civil Society (Vol. 15, No. 3). With collaborators Jennifer Hsu and Reza Hasmath, the article offer a first-of-its-kind conceptual framework for identifying and understanding government-organised non-governmental organisations (or GONGOs). The article is available in its published form for those with institutional access or individual subscriptions; an accepted version of the paper is open access for all as an e-print at LSE Research Online.
At the annual conference of the Social Policy Association, my Ph.D. student Jessica Ng received the Award for Excellence in Doctoral Research for her paper “Understanding the persistence of ‘short-term’ health crisis NGOs: The case of Toronto’s minority ethnospecific HIV/AIDS service organisations.”
I am beaming with pride.